We have become an associate member of the EAEA

The European Association for Adult Education (EAEA) is herald of non-formal adult education in Europe. The EAEA is a European NGO with over 120 member organizations in 43 countries and represents more than 60 million students across Europe.
Its purpose is to connect and represent European organizations directly involved in adult learning. Originally known as the European Bureau for Adult Education, it was founded in 1953 by representatives of numerous European countries.

League 33, as the representative of our country in this prestigious European organization, received the status of an associate member of the EAEA.
At the EAEA General Assembly, which was held on May 30-31 this year, in addition to the Grundtvig award ceremony, an annual conference was held in Mechelen, Belgium. A General Assembly was also held to decide which of the associate members would become permanent members of the organization.

After the conference, the association League 33 was declared an associate member of this organization, and the video with the presentation of the association broadcasted in front of the all present to the general satisfaction.
By this example, dedicated to working with adults and advocating for non-formal education, League 33 association, focuses on transformative learning and its values, seeing how adult education can change the lives of both individual and society. The association strives to build and strengthen civil society at all levels in the local community on the principle of tolerance and active and responsible advocacy in social events.

This small step will bring comprehensive benefits primarily to all members of the Association, past and future students, but also novelties and European standards in education and training implemented by the Association.
We are ready for future challenges and together with new partners, we are going to solve current and future problems of the local community.